VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — We’ve all fallen at least a time or two and it may seem harmless, but the older we get, the more dangerous a fall becomes. A broken hip or head injury can lead to an early death.

When Carol Guthrie began falling in her home for no apparent reason, her doctor sent her to the SAFE program, Sentara Awareness for Falls Education. SAFE helps those who have balance issues, unsteady gaits or difficulty rising from a seat, or are recovering from a fall.

“I think its very important for anyone my age because once you lose your independence, I think a lot of people just go downhill, and I’m not planning on going downhill,” Guthrie said.

Sentara Physical Therapist Chloe Cecchini told WAVY that it is common for people over 65 to encounter balance issues, even if they have no other health condition. She and physical therapists like her provide an individualized exercise and strength-building program for patients.

Cecchini shared some warning signs that you or a loved one might need to work on balance:

  • Wobbling or instability when reaching down to grab something or when changing positions
  • When an active person suddenly starts to skip outings

“They might not want to tell you, but they might be getting just a little more fearful,” Cecchini said, “and then that fear might keep them a little more inside and not doing as much, and that can lead to a little bit more of a further decline too.”

Gutherie is not about to let that happen. She has too much going on.

“Every Sunday we go for brunch, there’s two widowers and two widows and we’re all friends and have been for years,” Guthrie said.

It’s all part of a perfect life balance, in which social, mental and physical strength combine to keep us all healthier and happier longer.

If you’re interested in a SAFE program call 855-852-9066. SAFE is available at Sentara Therapy Centers in Hampton Roads and northern Virginia.