
How much milk does Santa actually drink in NC on Christmas Eve?

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RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — As Santa Claus gets ready for his big trip around the world on Christmas Eve, North Carolina families are starting to buy their milk and cookies to leave out for him.

If Santa drinks a glass of milk at each house in North Carolina, exactly how much milk would he be drinking?

To figure that out, we first need to know how much milk he drinks as he makes his way across the country.

In a study, Dairy Farmers of America found that if Santa drinks an 8-ounce glass of milk at all of the 111.35 million Christmas-celebrating households in the U.S., it would come out to about 6.9 million gallons of milk. That’s enough milk to fill more than 10 Olympic pools!

According to the 2020 census, there are about 4.032 million households in North Carolina, with 77 percent — or 3,104,640 — Christian households.

If all of them leave out an 8 ounce glass of milk for Santa, that adds up to 194,040 gallons of milk that Santa would drink in North Carolina alone.

How might Santa fit all this milk in his belly, you ask? A hankering for milk and cookies as he works up an appetite during his trip, and a little bit of Christmas magic.