KINSTON, N.C. (WNCT) — The Lenoir County Sheriff Deputy who was assaulted on a school bus addressed the public in a press conference on Friday.
The incident happened Wednesday. Lenoir County Sheriff Deputy Christopher Little said he stepped onto the school bus at Lenoir County Learning Academy to break up a fight between a 16-year-old and a 12-year-old. During the fight, Little hit his head on the metal window frame, an injury that required 18 staples in his head.
“I’m happy that I was the only one that sustained injuries and that none of my students sustained any injuries during this incident. I still plan on working at the Learning Academy a lot! I love my kids over there and will continue to work there,” Little said.
Nine On Your Side also reached out to Lenoir County Public Schools. They issued the following statement:
“Lenoir County Learning Academy is the district’s alternative school, where students who would benefit from smaller class sizes and closer supervision are assigned or enroll voluntarily. Currently, LCLA’s enrollment is 106 middle school and high school students. The curriculum mirrors that taught in our traditional schools. LCPS has leased space for the school from Kennedy Home for more than a decade.
The students involved in the altercation have been disciplined by the school. Beyond that, LCPS views this incident now as a matter for law enforcement and the judiciary. The school district sees the presence of Lenoir County sheriff’s deputies and Kinston police officers as School Resource Officers in our schools as an invaluable piece of LCPS’s school safety plan. The injury to Deputy Little is certainly regrettable, and LCPS wishes him a complete and speedy recovery.”
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