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CHESAPEAKE, Va. (WAVY) – Chesapeake Public Schools (CPS) began providing daily weekday updates on its COVID-19 dashboard in late November, after the school board approved a recommendation from the superintendent.

Previously, the dashboard was updated once a week with the latest COVID-19 information

The new dashboard provides both self-reported cases and those reported by the Chesapeake Health Department.

Click here to view the latest case data, which includes the school name, the number of new daily cases and the 14-day total. It also specifies which mode of learning is in effect at each school: traditional, blended, or temporarily online.

As of Wednesday, Jan. 6, the dashboard shows 45 new daily cases and a 14-day total of 100, which is the sum of the daily case count over the 14 most recent calendar days.

It also lists three outbreaks in progress. Cedar Road Elementary currently shows no new cases, but lists 14-day total of 11 cases. Additional outbreaks in progress are at Greenbrier Primary, with one new daily case recorded; the other outbreak is listed as “unclassified.”

According to the site:

“If any cases for these individuals are determined to be linked, the Virginia Department of Health has determined that the outbreak status will be reported on the VDH Dashboard as ‘Chesapeake Public Schools facility.’ Therefore, it will be listed on the COVID-19 Data Dashboard as ‘Unclassified’ in order to accurately report the situation and protect the identity of this limited population.”

The Chesapeake School Board voted on Dec. 14 to move all Option 1 students who have been learning in-person to remote learning after winter break. The decision means all students will be learning from home from Jan. 4 through Jan. 15.

Back on Nov. 23, the Chesapeake School Board voted unanimously to keep its current in-person learning plan as-is, with the option to move individual schools to remote learning if necessary. That decision was made as the City of Chesapeake was experiencing a spike in cases.

The Dec. 14 vote was not unanimous. Three of the nine board members voted against the change

All grades have returned to some form of in-person hybrid learning. Earlier in the school year, families were given the choice to have their child learn on-campus (Option 1), or they could choose a 100% online learning option (Option 2).  Currently, Option 1 elementary-aged students (grades PK-5) attend school on the Traditional Model, five days per week, while Option 1 students at the secondary level (grades 6-12) are operating on the Blended Model, with students reporting to campus two days per week and learning from home for the remaining three days.