
Gloucester County launches new community engagement site

GLOUCESTER, Va. (WAVY) — Gloucester County has launched a new digital community engagement site in partnership with Zencity to inform and engage residents about current and upcoming plans and initiatives.

The engagement site through the county’s main webpage, www.gloucesterva.info, will allow residents to give input using interactive tools.

It’s already being used to receive feedback on how to improve and enhance existing opioid recovery programs.

“We cannot always physically reach our citizens to receive their input on various matters,” said
Steve Wright, Gloucester’s Deputy County Administrator. “However, we value citizen input
immensely, and are always looking for new and user-friendly ways to get our citizens engaged.
We feel like our new relationship with Zencity will help us to go that extra mile to achieve that

The county also plans to use it to receive public input for the Parks and Recreation Tourism Department.