
Christopher Newport University updates mask policies

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (WAVY) — Following updated guidance from the governor and CDC, officials at Christopher Newport University have updated their mask policies.

Effective immediately, vaccinated people are no longer required to wear masks or social distance in outdoor settings. Unvaccinated people must continue to wear their masks and maintain social distance outdoors.

Masks, however, are still required indoors regardless of a person’s vaccination status. This policy will be reviewed in the coming weeks based on the prevalence of the virus and vaccination rates on campus and in the community.

“We all have different levels of comfort as we move through the constantly, and quickly, changing COVID guidelines and conditions,” said Chief of Staff Adelia Thompson in an email to faculty and staff. “We know there are members of our campus community who will wish to continue maintaining physical distancing and continue wearing face coverings indoors and outdoors, and that choice is personal and fully supported.

The campus remains closed to the public.