NORFOLK — If you drive or live along Monticello Avenue or St. Paul’s Boulevard and think it needs some changes, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) wants to hear from you.
VDOT has launched a study assessing potential operational and safety improvements for the corridor from East Charlotte Street to Church Street.
Engineers will analyze everything from the operational, safety, and multimodal access issues along the corridor that includes Scope Arena and Chrysler Hall.
There will be “a focus on providing enhanced pedestrian, bicycle and transit access as well as congestion mitigation and safety improvements,” according to release. “The study will identify cost-effective preferred improvement alternatives that address the deficient conditions in the study corridor and prioritize safety for vulnerable users.”
VDOT invites residents and travelers to learn more and take this online survey through March 25. Community input received through this survey will help the study team prioritize potential improvements to address existing issues along the corridor. An online survey was previously conducted for feedback on the study’s focus areas in September 2023.
The survey, which has a translation tool for other languages, is available at
Comments can also be sent to or to Jerry Pauley, Virginia Department of Transportation, 7511 Burbage Drive, Suffolk, VA 23434.
This study is expected to be complete in summer 2024.