NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) – Dozens of Hampton Roads non-profit organizations are getting free money to help push their missions forward.

The United Way of South Hampton Roads announced Tuesday that it will be distributing $6 million between 49 nonprofits that focus on education, health, and economic mobility.

Norfolk-based organization Envision Lead Grow (ELG) says it’s receiving $43,776.88 of the grant money to help expand programming.

“It’s such an amazing opportunity to be able to apply for grants and get support from our local community. And we’re just so honored that United Way selected us to be one of the recipients. There is so much need and specifically working with youth,” said Anyssa Reddix, Envision Lead Grow Program Manager.

She said Envision Lead Grow’s focus is to empower women and girls through entrepreneurship.

“It’s more of access to a mindset and being able to believe that you can create anything and that’s the biggest thing that we try to impart on our girls is that entrepreneurial mindset whether you decide to become an entrepreneur today, tomorrow, never. To be able to have the confidence that you can create something out of nothing. That’s what’s gonna make you stand out in a classroom, college campus, and in any board review land and in the future,” Reddix said.

She said entrepreneurship is a tool that can transform communities of poverty into communities of prosperity.

“Just the view of the future and visually grow hopes that we can continue to impact girls and reignite that passion in them to remind them that they can do anything that they are capable that they do have support so that they continue to can they can continue to become the change that their communities need,” Reddix said.

Envision Lead Grow has served 2,000 girls nationally since it was founded in 2016.

Reddix said around 500 girls here in Hampton Roads have gone through the program. She said one girl goes to Norfolk State University and received a scholarship that pays for her entire college tuition.

The grant money will go towards funding ELG summer camps. The next camp is scheduled to take place July at Old Dominion University.

Reddix said the summer program in July is full but people can reach out to ELG for other enrollment opportunities.