NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — With fireworks going on Thursday, there is always a concern for pets.
Dogs can cats can get easily spooked by the loud bangs. The Norfolk SPCA wants you to keep your four-legged friends in mind with the loud, unfamiliar sounds that can send some dogs into a state of panic. It has advice on how to protect your furry friends.
“It’s rough out there for dogs,” said Tammy Lindquist with the Norfolk SPCA. “You need to keep them in a really quiet place. You can get a thunder shirt, play them some really soft music, all types of things. Myself, I’m staying home with my pets.”
The noises can be overwhelming for some dogs, and cats, too. Some pet owners have turned to drugs to help their pets combat the anxiety.
“You can give them melatonin,” she said, “which you should get from your veterinarian, [or] trazodone, any type of mild sedative. But you need to get that from your veterinarian.”
And as for the day after?
“The fifth is probably one of the roughest days for the shelters because so many dogs are being returned to the shelter to try and find their owners,” she said.
And while most fireworks are illegal in Virginia, chances are that someone in your neighborhood has other ideas, and will look to have a blast anyway.
And if you think a fence will keep your dog in? Think again.
Just remember, a scared dog won’t stick around.
“They’ll take off,” she said. “They’ll run and run and run.”
For that, the Norfolk SPCA suggests that a little company can go a long way in settling your dogs’ nerves, and as for those fireworks?
“You know? The best thing you can do is, instead of buying fireworks, buy a bag of dog food for your local shelter because it is so hard on them. I know everybody wants to celebrate July 4th, but you can celebrate [by] staying home with your dog.”