NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — Old Dominion University (ODU) recently received a $10,000 grant from Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (ABC).

The grant will fund a project that educates students on the risk associated with underage and high risk drinking.

This project will allow students to self-evaluate their current drinking behaviors through the ScreenU platform. ScreenU provides personalized feedback on drinking risks and promotes safe drinking habits. Additionally, the university will hold events that engage ODU students in fun and informational activities about high risk and underage drinking.

In total, Virginia ABC awarded five community organizations $45,340 in grants to help reduce underage and high risk drinking.

The organizations selected proposed projects aimed at preventing alcohol abuse. Grantees from across the commonwealth will create programs designed to address issues such as alcohol consumption on college campuses and boating alcohol safety.

“Virginia ABC’s Community Health and Engagement Division works to eliminate underage and high-risk drinking by building the capacity of community groups to educate individuals and prevent alcohol misuse,” said Virginia ABC CEO Dale Farino. “We look forward to partnering with these grantees to positively impact the communities they serve.”

Other 2024-2025 grant recipients include:

  • Blue Ridge Behavioral Health (BRBH) Care – $10,000: The campaign will work to educate parents, grandparents and caregivers on the fact that youth are less likely to use alcohol when their parents and caregivers disapprove, and it will encourage adults to use the resource for talking to the youth in their life about alcohol use. 
  • Boys and Girls Club of the Virginia Peninsula – $5,340: The project will incorporate the evidence-based Positive Action curriculum into programming at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Virginia Peninsula. The curriculum teaches youth how to achieve success and happiness by having positive thoughts, actions and feelings, and gives them the social and emotional skills that they need to stay away from drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
  • Hampden-Sydney College – $10,000: The project aims to reduce problematic alcohol consumption by students at the college. Through partnerships with Residence Life, Athletics and Greek Life, a network of health professionals on campus will develop a “train the trainer” workshop for their Alcohol Skills Training Program that will be implemented with first year students at Hampden-Sydney.
  • Kinsale Venture LLC – $10,000:The project will promote safe boating practices and responsible drinking within the Kinsale community of Westmoreland County. A multi-faceted campaign in collaboration with local emergency responders, the Coast Guard and marine police will develop educational materials highlighting the risks of alcohol-impaired boating and offer practical tips for safe navigation.

To learn more about the Virginia ABC Alcohol Education and Prevention Grant Program click here.