PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — The Portsmouth School Board is holding a virtual public meeting next Wednesday to discuss coronavirus reopening plans.

Superintendent Dr. Elie Bracy will brief the board at 5:30 p.m. about the plans. With an 18% 7-day average of positive COVID-19 tests in the city, the highest in Hampton Roads, it seems Portsmouth will choose an all virtual option like other local cities. Norfolk and Virginia Beach announced this week they’re taking that route.

The school division has four scenarios proposed though.

Option 1: Virtual learning for all students. Students would have assigned times to log on and participate in lessons. They would be given guided lessens and assignments.

Option 2: Hybrid learning for all students. Students would have half-day in-person learning two days a week and virtual instruction the rest of the week. Half of each school’s student population would go for two different half-days. Wednesday would give teachers time to plan and assist with virtual learning. Students at school in-person would follow social distancing.

Option 3: Hybrid learning for elementary and middle school students. High school students would do all courses virtually. Younger students would have a hybrid schedule similar to that of option 2.

Option 4: Students in school in-person five days a week. The division would have protocols in place to fight the spread of COVID-19 among the student and staff populations.

In all scenarios, attendance would be taken. The school division would also give technology support and devices for families to access virtual learning.

And in all cases, students with special needs and English language learners would have access to school buildings for in-person assistance and instruction.

Parents can vote on these options in a survey through August 3.

Portsmouth board member Ted Lamb says the meeting will be open and more information on how to watch will be coming.

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