
Ribbon Cutting for BodyWorks Exhibit to be held Thursday

Children's Museum of Virginia in Portsmouth

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — On Thursday, May 30 the Children’s Museum of Virginia will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony for its newly renovated and expanded BodyWorks Exhibit.

The exhibit features a dynamic platform for interactive learning that encourages children to have fun while engaging in hands-on physical activities.

There are themed work stations dedicated to various body parts and systems, such as the heart/circulatory, skeletal, and muscular systems.

Ultimately, the aim is to instill the significance of exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle from a young age.

The ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. at the Children’s Museum of Virginia, 221 High Street in Portsmouth.

Portsmouth Mayor Shannon Glover, Vice President of Health Equity, Sentara Health, Iris Lundy, Vice President, Medicaid Plan President, Sentara Health Plans, Randy Ricker and other guest will be in attendance.

Renovations were made possible by a contribution from Sentara.