SUFFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — Suffolk Fire and Rescue held a prayer vigil for one of their members over the weekend.
Joshua Baker, senior firefighter and chaplain with Suffolk Fire & Rescue, said 24-year-old Hunter Stephens was rushed to Obici Hospital on Monday night, suffering from respiratory problems.
“He was there approximately 20-30 minutes before he got rushed to the Sentara Norfolk hospital behind us,” Baker said.
He told 10 On Your Side Hunter’s condition worsened, and he’s now in the ICU with heart failure.
Sunday, firefighters from across Hampton Roads showed up to the prayer vigil, many of them not even knowing Hunter personally.
“We’re a brotherhood — it’s the culture,” Baker said. “These people — they’ll give their shirt off the back to anyone in need, so tonight is just going to be to, kind of, show support to him, and let him know that whatever he and his family needs, we’ve got his back regardless.”
People were able to donate at the event.
“We’re going to be filling boots here as well as we’ll have a QR code here that you can scan at our table,” Baker said.
Hunter’s mom, Kim, told 10 On Your Side this has been difficult for the family, including her son’s wife and three-month-old baby.
She got choked up remembering the moment she found out how serious his condition was.
“Shock mostly, um, trying to understand how this could happen,” Kim said. “It’s just unbelievable, and I still feel like I’m in shock.”
However, she said Hunter is still in high spirits.
“He’s joking, carrying on, acting himself of course but not knowing what’s ahead of us,” Kim said.
Kim said she couldn’t fathom how many people had rallied behind her son.
“I appreciate, all of us appreciate, everything that everybody is doing, and being there for us and all of the support that we are receiving from everyone,” Kim said.
There’s a GoFundMe available to help out.
The money goes toward Hunter’s medical bills, as well as funds for gas and food for his family.
Continue to check for updates.