SUFFOLK, Va. (WAVY) – For the second time this week, John F. Kennedy Middle School in Suffolk was evacuated because of a bomb threat.

At approximately 8:45 a.m. on Jan. 11, the Suffolk Police Department and Suffolk Fire and Rescue were called to John F. Kennedy Middle School to investigate a bomb threat.

JFK Middle School bomb threat (Courtesy: Suffolk Fire and Rescue)

Students were evacuated from the school as a precautionary measure while a thorough sweep of the building took place.

Officials say that the building received an all-clear at 10:42 a.m. and all students and staff were permitted back into the building.

No injuries were reported.

During a bomb threat investigation Tuesday morning around the same time as Thursday’s, students were temporarily relocated to Booker T. Washington Elementary School.

The Suffolk Police Department is encouraging anyone with any information about this case to contact Suffolk Police or the Suffolk Crime Line at 888-LOCK-U-UP.