
Assisted living residents see loved ones during special social distancing parade

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Over the last month, residents at Beth Sholom Village in Virginia Beach have only seen their loved ones through a window or on video calls. It’s not only tough for the residents, but also their families.

On Wednesday, as part of Skilled Nursing Care week, staff at the assisted living facility had a surprise for the residents.

Their families lined up at College Park Elementary School near the assisted living facility.  They began decorating their cars with themes and loving messages. 

“We are excited to see her, wave and blow kisses,” said one family member.

Staff spaced out and lined up the residents around the Beth Sholom parking lot.

“What they’ve done today is really nice” said resident Sonia Land.

Land wasn’t sure what was waiting right around the corner.

“I’m excited,” added resident Ann Belton. “This is the first time I’ve been out in 61 days. For Mother’s Day I cried because I couldn’t hug my daughter.”

All that sadness was forgotten as the love came rolling by.

“It’s great,” said Land.

“I haven’t seen a parade in a long time,” added another resident. 

The cars were then lead by a motorcycle escort to the home and paraded right past the senior citizens. There were plenty of waves and tears by the residents and loved ones.

“Love you mom,” Belton’s daughter shouted from her car.

 “I love you,” Belton shouted back. 

It’s a ray of light on what has been a dark cloud hanging overhead.

“This was so fun,” said one family member. “I got teary eyed.  It was so great.”

The hope is that the COVID-19 pandemic will all soon end, but what won’t is the memory of this day.

“I loved it,” Belont added. “I got to see my daughter. If I could I would have ran out there and gave her a hug, but I couldn’t. It was really really nice.”

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