
Congresswoman Elaine Luria urges Trump administration to support local media

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — A Virginia Beach congresswoman showed her gratitude toward the media in a letter to President Donald Trump.

In the letter, Congresswoman Elaine Luria wrote that Americans are turning to local media to inform them about the evolving impacts of coronavirus on their communities.

“As in many of our nation’s most challenging times, the public turns to free and local media for life-saving information and breaking news, because local radio, television and newspapers are still the most trusted sources in times of emergency and disaster,” Luria wrote in her April 20 letter.

Luria urged Trump and his administration to support local media, which is suffering the loss of advertising revenue even as viewership and readership have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This national emergency has caused a near halt to local business activity and in turn, the regular and vital advertising they purchase from local media. Without advertising revenue, local media outlets cannot survive,” Luria wrote.

Luria wrote that one way the Trump administration can support local media is by directing that community outlets are prioritized when federal money is spent on advertisements. She also wrote that the administration could support local media by creating incentives for local businesses to spend part of their government-given stimulus funds on advertising with community outlets.

“To get America moving again and strengthen our communities in the midst of this evolving crisis,
we must be creative and use all available tools,” said Luria. “Advertising plays an incredible role in local economies, and its importance to the sustainability of local broadcast stations and newspapers
cannot be overstated.”

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