VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Operation Blessing has deployed to Brazil to assist with a major flooding disaster.

Officials from the organization have categorized the situation in Brazil as the “perfect recipe for a major humanitarian disaster.”

The country is faced with massive flooding, contaminated water, the threat of mosquito-borne illnesses and homes that are submerged in water.

“Operation Blessing’s International Disaster Relief team has been in some of the world’s worst flooding disasters, and what we are seeing right now in Brazil is among the most dire,” said Jorge Pratts, deployment manager. “Yesterday we assessed the flooding by boat and in one town, only the rooftops of multi-story buildings are seen above the water. Residents are still stranded, especially those with mobility issues. The water is heavily contaminated, there are mosquitoes with Dengue and Zika, and a lot more rain is in the forecast. The scope of this disaster is massive.”

The team from Operation Blessing has worked with local partners to set up three Kitchens capable of feeding 6,000 people per day. Additionally, they are preparing hygiene kits and cleaning supplies for resident that have been evacuated from their homes.

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