VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) – Starting March 1, residents participating in Virginia Beach’s Residential Parking Permit Program will see an increase in the price of their parking permit.
Resort area residents that live inside the boundaries of the Residential Parking Permit Program (RPPP) will see a $5 increase for each residential parking permit.
Currently, the program gives the first two permits for each household for free and charges $5 for an optional third and fourth permit. The two allowed guest permits will also increase from $2 each to $5 each on March 1.
The rate increase was proposed in April 2022 due to increased expenses, along with parking enforcement has expanded to a year-round operation and there is the added expense of fuel, enforcement vehicles and equipment, staff wages as well as software licensing.
The new increase still remains below other peer cities with residential parking permit programs.
The last rate increase was over 15 years ago, according to a press release.
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