VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) – Seton Youth Shelters in Virginia Beach was granted a lease extension while it continues its search for a news boys home. This all comes after Saint Nicholas Catholic Church in Virginia Beach terminated Seton’s lease several months ago.

Seton Executive Director, Jennifer Sieracki, says the organization just finished “an extensive negotiation process with the church” and it was able to get an extension until August 31 of next year.

“That does give us a little bit more time to try to figure out what we’re going to do with our boys in terms of our shelter, and we really have to move as quickly as possible to be certain that we don’t have an interruption in services for our boys,” said Sieracki.

Seton Youth Shelters cares for at-risk youth: Children who are homeless or are victims of trafficking.

“Any time that we have is essential, critical for this process because our needs are very specific, because we’re sheltering vulnerable youth and we need to, first and foremost, ensure their safety and well being in whatever housing we have our boys in,” she explained.

Sieracki admits, this time of COVID is a terrible time to ask people for financial assistance, but our community has really stepped up.

“We have had a couple of folks step forward who have said, ‘We think we have the means to be able to help you with some of the things you may need in this journey to find a new home.’ So, we’re hoping more people may hear this who are in that same situation and may be able to join us in trying to solve this critical problem for our boys,” she said.

COVID forced Seton to cancel both of its major fundraisers this year, but staff created a big virtual auction that is underway right now.

“It features 30-40 just incredible items. Everything from safe trips that you can take, and lifestyle items, and things that are really relevant to where we are right now in our community,” said Sieracki.

To take a look, or bid on the auction items, click here.

While you’re there, you can also find information how how you can help Seton continue it’s mission to find or build a new boys home.

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