
Virginia Beach teens get a crash course about dangers of distracted, drunk driving

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) – Virginia Beach teens got a lesson in distracted and drunk driving.

Students at three different Virginia Beach schools experienced the dangers of stepping behind the wheel.

Kellam High School freshman Addison DeBolt stepped into the front seat of a truck and put on a headset.

She was tasked with driving the speed limit and staying on the road. Easy right?

Well, she was thrown a couple of curveballs. DeBolt had to turn on the radio and reach into the back seat and grab a water bottle.

“It was really difficult,” she said.

Like many of her classmates, she crashed.

That’s why Mile One and DRIVE SMART Virginia teamed up to put teens through the simulations.

According to the CDC, teen drivers are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than adult drivers.

“As an automotive dealer, we feel it’s really important we give back to the community through this initiative such as distracted driving,” said Amanda Kodeck, chief giving officer for Mile One Auto Group.

Students didn’t just learn the importance of keeping their eyes on the road. They also know to never hop into the driver’s seat after a few drinks.

“I don’t think people realize when you do this, what it looks like and these goggles allow them to see that without having a beverage,” Kodeck said.

So, students put on some goggles that distorted their vision.

“It’s like very blurry and dizzy,” said Kellam High School sophomore Jack Donnelly.

He had to run through a driving course with the goggles and avoid all the cones.

“It was very difficult,” said Kellam High School sophomore Jack Blanca. “You lose awareness of your surrounding and it’s very difficult to maneuver around the obstacles.

Kodeck said students also got a crash course in what goes into financing a car.

“You would be surprised at how surprised the kids were about how much a monthly payment, plus insurance, plus maintenance, plus gas,” she said.

Blanca told me he’ll take these lessons on the road with him.