VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — We’re officially in spring and that means mating season for possums, squirrels and raccoons.

Kelly and Chuck Plaza have spent nearly a decade rehabbing possums, squirrels and raccoons. They initially wanted to start a dog rescue but after learning about the need for wildlife rehabbers, Wild Baby Raccoon Rescue was born.

“Without rehabbers, these guys wouldn’t stand a chance,” explained Kelly Plaza.

From injured and abandoned babies to disabled adults, the Plazas do it all and right from their Virginia Beach home.

The couple has treated and released hundreds of critters, even giving them vaccinations to keep them from spreading diseases.

Rehabilitating possums like Dracula and Hercules is their specialty.

“It depends on the spring. Last year, we did over 100 possums I don’t remember how many squirrels. We don’t do that many raccoons,” Plaza said.

It’s not all fun and games. Plaza says she’s up multiple times throughout the night syringe-feeding week-old babies.

“Our schedule, you feed one at 2, another at 2:30, another at 3:30 — its just constant. The lack of sleep. You have to be dedicated to do it. We get rehabbers that come and volunteer and they quit so fast because they don’t realize how much work it’s going to be,” Plaza explained.

Plaza says the biggest misconception about possums is that they’re aggressive. They’re harmless to people and can’t get rabies. They’re North America’s only marsupial and feast on insects — especially ticks. As for raccoons, if you see one during the day, it’s more than likely a mother scavenging for food. If you come across a critter in your neighborhood that’s sick or injured, call animal control.

The Wild Baby Raccoon Rescue is looking for rehabbers to join their team. Click here for more information. You can also make an appointment to visit the center. There’s no entry fee. They just ask that you make a donation to the rescue.

You can also see the critters in person on Earth Day, April 23 at Mount Trashmore Park from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.