YORK COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) — A community came together to honor a fallen cyclist killed in a recent hit and run.

Brian Utne was killed last week on Lakeside Drive in York County while riding his bicycle.

He was well known in the cyclist community.

“We’re honoring Brian,” said friend and cyclist Mike Melton.

Police blocked off streets in York County as a big crowd of cyclists rode 25 miles for Utne.

“He loved the sport,” Melton said. 

Cyclists who came out to honor Utne, say he was a great friend to many.

“When I moved here 7 years ago, I went to one of the group rides and Brian walked right up to me and introduced himself to me. He was the first person I met here,” Melton said. 

Cyclists say Saturday’s ride was also to send a message.

“To raise awareness in the community that cyclists share the road with cars and were people were not objects,” Melton said. 

Law enforcement officers say Utne’s case hasn’t been solved.