ST. LOUIS (KTVI) – A social media post on Tuesday alleged daycare workers in St. Louis were fighting outside while toddlers sat on the floor inside surrounded by broken glass.
You can hear someone on the six-second post say, “Baby, don’t touch that. That’s glass.”
The woman who posted the video does not want to be identified. She’s a relative of a child at the daycare, which is called Kreatyve Kydz Development Center.
“These babies, what if one of these babies had gotten into this glass and put it in their mouth and swallowed it?” she told Nexstar’s KTVI.
Another mother, who asked to be called “Milly,” said she saw her two children on the post.
“I found out from social media. No one ever told me anything,” she said. “Y’all let me pick up my kids at 5 o’clock, but then I found out an hour later.”
A daycare representative said she called the police about the fight and also called state licensing to report both the fight and the broken glass.
The representative stated that a glass bottle fell as another agitated worker left to confront a co-worker outside and that a fight broke out across the street. She said both workers have been fired.
A mom leaving the center told KTVI that she plans to keep her child there, explaining that the center showed her video of what happened inside as well as evidence that the center is taking it seriously so something similar doesn’t happen again.
However, Milly said she’s looking at other childcare options, adding, “I advocate for my kids because they can’t speak for themselves.”
The woman who posted the video is hopeful about the center’s response and thinks the daycare administration is headed in the right direction.
“Two apples don’t spoil the whole bunch. You get rid of them. You revamp. You come show the community you can get it right,” she said.
Missouri Child Care Licensing says state inspectors will follow up with a licensing investigation.