
From food to fireworks: Protecting your pets from holiday hazards

(Photo courtesy: MGN)

(WFXR) — The Fourth of July is a day filled with tasty food, festive fireworks, and other fun activities, but despite all the exciting distractions, pet parents need to take precautions to protect their furry friends from certain holiday hazards.

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Nexstar’s WFXR compiled a list of safety tips from VCA Animal Hospitals and the American Veterinary Medical Association that will help you avoid potential pet pitfalls so you and your furry friends can have a happy, healthy Fourth of July.

Food misfortunes

Holidays are chock full of delicious dishes that our pets would just love to taste. However, for the sake of their health, you need to resist their puppy dog eyes and kitty cuteness because many human foods are poisonous for pets, with even a small bite resulting in a trip to the emergency room.

VCA Animal Hospitals put together this list of the most common and serious toxic foods for furry friends:

There are also other foods that aren’t fully toxic, but can still cause Fourth of July food emergencies for your pets, according to experts:

“So many foods can be potentially problematic that we recommend remembering just one rule: no human food for your pet!” VCA Animal Hospitals stated. “Ask anyone spending time with your pet to adhere to the rule as well and make healthy treats available instead so that everyone can still pamper your pet with an alternative.”

In addition, while kebab skewers, cutlery, and barbecue grills are not food, your pet may not know that, so be sure to keep these items out of gulping or pawing reach.

If you’re hosting a Fourth of July gathering, you should also make sure to check your yard for food scraps or fireworks debris that your curious pets might try to consume.

Fireworks fears

While many people love fireworks, we can’t say the same for our pets. With their keen senses of hearing and smell, they can register this festive tradition as something to fear, so keep your pet away from any place where fireworks may be lit.

If you know your pet has a fear of fireworks, VCA Animal Hospitals encourage you to teach them some coping techniques ahead of the big night to help them feel more comfortable when you leave them at home as you go to parties, parades, and fireworks displays:

While this is not exactly a coping mechanism, experts say it’s still important to make sure your home and yard are secure and that your pet is wearing their collar with updated tags in case they freak out and run off amid all the noise — which is a common occurrence amid the Fourth of July. You should also consider having them microchipped.

Parasite prevention

In addition, with any outdoor outings, you need to keep in mind that unwelcome guests — such as fleas and ticks — may try to crash your pets’ party. These parasites are hiding in woods, tall grasses, and leaf litter, just waiting for a host to pass by.

Not only are these pests a nuisance, but VCA Animal Hospitals says that many of them carry diseases that they can pass on to our pets or even to us:

In order to tackle this problem, all you need are flea and tick preventatives, which are not only highly effective, but they are also quite easy to administer.

Other holiday hazards

According to VCA Animal Hospitals, citronella candles and tiki torch oil can cause stomach problems if swallowed, or even lung irritation if the fumes are inhaled. You can also protect your pets from serious burns by keeping them away from fires, hot coals, and sparklers.

Since the Fourth of July is a summer celebration, you need to keep an eye on the weather because too much sun, heat, and humidity can be dangerous to pets. Therefore, the American Veterinary Medicine Association says you should keep animals inside when it’s extremely hot and/or humid; make sure they have access to shady spots and plenty of water if they do come outside, which should not be for a long time in hot weather; and know the signs of a pet overheating.

If you decide to let your pets cool off in or near a swimming pool, you need to play lifeguard, as well as make sure the water isn’t too hold or cold.

Meanwhile, if you’re hosting a holiday gathering, ask your guests to help prevent your pets from escaping, even if that means leaving notes on doors and gates.