CONWAY, Ark. (KARK) – It looks like a Grinch is attempting to steal Christmas in Conway, Arkansas.

The lights on Marilyn Moix’s home have been cut clean through the power cords twice in one week, she told Nexstar’s KARK. Her son, Justin Hoadley said they were targeted last year, too.

“This is our second time this year so far. It happened twice last year,” Hoadley said. “We’re going to keep fighting for Christmas joy because that’s what we do at our house.”

Hoadley questioned why someone would target his mom’s house of all places, as it is only six blocks from the police station.

The family hasn’t filed a police report, but they have asked authorities to be watchful on their patrols by the busy street corner.

“In the evening hours, that’s when it seems to happen. Right around dusk,” Moix said.

Some have suggested a game camera be used to catch who’s doing it, but it’s such a busy street that Moix said she doesn’t think it would work for her problem. Hoadley said he’d rather not install a camera, but he is prepared to keep replacing these lights all throughout the holidays if he has to.

“I love Christmas. We believe in the spirit of people, the spirit of the season, and the joy that lights and decorations can bring to not only our family, but to people as they pass by our home,” Moix said. “If the person sees this who’s doing this, can you just be happy with the season of Christmas and let the lights be the lights?”

The pair don’t want the culprit to spend the holidays in jail, they said. Hoadley has a different punishment in mind: “I just hope maybe they get a lump of coal in their stocking.”