WILMINGTON, N.C. (CNN) – Parents, how often do you find yourself nagging your kids to help more around the house?

A North Carolina couple might have a solution to your problem!

Christine Robicheau created an app designed to give kids – and parents – a little encouragement in the chore department.

Christine and her husband Peter designed the Chorez app.

“Once you’ve set it up, you don’t have to go get a new chore chart,” explained Christine.

With the app, Robicheau says you can customize your own list of chores. From there, each child can look at what chores are available each day and how much they can earn.

Peter says to cover his tracks, his son can take a “before” picture then an “after” picture to prove he did the job.

“It really is just a minute or so of looking at the app and saying, ‘I approve this.’ You can look at the before and after picture to determine if it was done well. One of the problems with parents is, ‘did the kids do their chores? They’re all checked off on the refrigerator, right?'” said Peter.

He says then you can pay your child with the push of a button.

When you download the app, you can get a prepaid card for each person and then link those cards straight to your bank account.

“These cards basically allow you to send money back and forth like Venmo, or PayPal, or any of those, but within your families,” said Peter.

The premium version of the Chorez app is $59.99 a year. But there’s also a basic version of the app which you can download for free to test it out.

“It’s the only way my kids are going to be successful in life. They have to create these habits and have it be something that is normal to them, that if they do well, they’re going to be rewarded,” said Christine.

One special feature on the Chorez app called fair share. It lets you split the yearly cost of the app with your children. It acts as a small tax that’s taken out of your child’s earnings.