
New York man jumps in front of subway train with 5-year-old daughter

NEW YORK, N.Y. (CNN) – New York commuters witnessed a horrific scene Monday morning after a 45-year-old man jumped in front of a moving subway train, holding his five year old daughter.

The man was killed, but the little girl is expected to be okay.

“The man I saw jump in had a little girl in his arms. Next thing I know he and her jumped,” said one witness.

Cell phone video shows good samaritans pulling the little girl from under the subway train just after 8 a.m.

Others on the platform comforted the youngster who just barely escaped with her life.

Witnesses could only watch as the 45-year-old father grabbed his 5-year-old daughter and jumped in front of the southbound 4 train.

Witnesses say the train slowed down, but couldn’t stop in time and ran over the man and the little girl.

“There was a man, who in a heroic effort, went down in the front of the tracks to see if the little girl was okay, and he got her out and brought her up to us. Thank god above.”

The little girl suffered only minor injuries while her father was killed.

The incident leaving commuters traumatized and searching for answers.

“I’m a mom and this devastated me like crazy. I watched it first and and I’m absolutely so thankful that she’s all right.”

Police say it’s still unclear why the man jumped. They are now investigating.

The girl’s mother met the child at the hospital. She is expected to be okay.