GLOUCESTER COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) — Change could be coming to Gloucester County schools.

Administrators are considering a proposal to let students use the bathroom of their gender identity.

This all stems from the years-long court case involving Gavin Grimm. On Tuesday night, the public got the chance to weigh in.

Under the proposed bathroom policy, transgender students can use the bathroom for the gender they identify with if they have documentation from a doctor. The student would also need to have sustained gender identity for six months, and the student must be undergoing social or hormonal therapy transitional treatment.

First up to the microphone was Gavin Grimm. He’s the student who started this fight four years ago. 

“The transgender community faces a lot of hatred and danger for the mere crime of existing. Do we want our schools to be such a strong perpetrator of that hatred?” Grimm said. “Like it or not, I, as a transgender man, deserve to be part of society in full.”

Grimm was followed by several supporters, including some who drove almost two hours to voice their opinion.

“I think it would be a nice change to be ahead of the times and accept this changed bathroom proposal and show that we are not all those type of people stuck in the past,” said Jessica Jackman, a resident of Isle of Wight.

While many feel a change is long overdue, many others feel a new policy isn’t right for everyone.

“The current policy reads as follows: the use of male and female restroom as locker room facilities shall be limited to corresponding biological genders and students with gender identity issues shall be provided with an alternate appropriate facility. In my opinion, the current policy fits the needs of all students,” said resident Damien Kelly

“I just plead with you to surrender yourself to a better decision than just social and cultural issues and letting culture define our morals instead of godly principles,” said resident Kenny Smith.

Others said the decision shouldn’t be up to the school board 

“I believe the best way we can settle this is having actual students of the high school vote on it,” said a current Gloucester High School student.

No decision was made at the public hearing, but the board says it will be taking these comments into consideration. 

Meanwhile, Grimm’s case is still being played out in the legal system. We will continue to follow this story for you and let you know what happens.