(KTLA) — Utility bills are a big part of every household budget and can vary from month to month based on factors like the weather, wholesale energy prices, and, of course, how much water, electricity and natural gas you use.

A new report from doxoINSIGHTS has ranked every U.S. state and major city based on the average cost of utility bills.

After reviewing the utility bills of users at Doxo.com (the service helps users pay and manage their bills in one location), the report determined the average U.S. household pays $351 each month in utilities, or $3,327 a year. While high, there are three other categories Americans spend more on: mortgage payments, rent, and auto loans.

The report found residents in Hawaii spent the most on their utility bills, on average, at $633 per month. That was followed by Maine ($500/month), New Jersey ($467/month), Connecticut ($463/month) and Vermont ($428/month).

On the opposite end of the list, Mississippi residents had the least expensive utility bills in the U.S., averaging just $255 per month, followed by South Dakota ($278/month), North Carolina ($282/month), Missouri ($284/month) and Georgia ($286/month), the report shows.

The most expensive city for utility bills, however, may come as a surprise. According to Doxo, Milwaukee’s residents are paying the most each month at $538 — almost $200 more than the national average. After Milwaukee, the five most expensive large cities were New York ($511), Los Angeles ($455), Pittsburgh and San Jose (both at $439).

Minneapolis ($209), Memphis ($216), Austin ($221), Atlanta ($240), and Charlotte ($247) have the least expensive bills of America’s largest cities.

The report also compiled data on the ten most common monthly bills, which included mortgages, rent, auto loans, auto insurance, health insurance, utilities, and other items.