(WAVY) — Virginia ranks No. 4 in the U.S. for states with the most confrontational drivers.

Road rage incidences are on the rise, according to a new Forbes Advisor study. In 2022, 413 people were injured in road rage shootings — a 135% increase from 2018. Arizona ranked No. 1 for the worst road rage while Delaware was home to the most polite drivers in the U.S.

Forbes Advisor conducted a survey of 10,000 licensed drivers, and compared all 50 states across nine key metrics. Data was collected between July 7 and Aug. 3. The states were ranked out of 100.

Virginia got an overall score of 96.97, and ranked third most likely to report that another driver exited their vehicle to yell at or fight with them at 50.5%.

78.5% reported someone honked at them in frustration, and 89.5% said someone yelled, insulted, cursed or made threats, according to Forbes Advisor.

Drivers in the Old Dominion State tied with Oklahoma at fourth most likely to report that another driver has cut them off on purpose at 59.5%, and tied with Missouri at fifth most likely to experience rude or offensive gestures while driving at 67%.

See the top 10 most confrontational drivers by state below:

Top reasons for road rage, according to Forbes Advisor are:

  • Heavy traffic (39.35%)
  • Already feeling stressed (38.06%)
  • Running late (33.89%)
  • Already feeling angry (32.49%)
  • Feeling tired (26.86%)

Places where drivers experience the most road rage are: freeways or highways (26.59%), parking lots (14.9%), intersections (12.36%) and rural roads (6.99%).

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