(NEXSTAR) — It’s a phrase you’ve maybe heard around on social media — or maybe even had someone tell you: “Your car is low on blinker fluid.”
Recently, “AI Overview” Google suggestions, which appear at the top of results whenever you perform a google search, even suggested that drivers remedy their faulty blinkers by “replacing blinker fluid.”
But what does it mean, exactly?
It turns out, it means nothing, really. In fact, there’s no such thing as “blinker fluid.” The concept is an old joke among those who know about cars — to test those who don’t know about cars. As explained by Urban Dictionary, the concept is a “prank that parents play on their children when they’re old enough to drive. Blinker fluid/fuel is not real but is a common joke. Most shop owners play along or will laugh at you.”
It’s unclear where the joke originated but it has been around for a long while and pops up on social media every now and again.
There are dozens of “blinker fluid prank” videos you can find on TikTok — these usually involve users pranking their partners with requests to go ask for it in a store.
In one popular video, “Pranking my wife by telling her we need blinker fluid for our car,” posted by thequistfamily, wife Courtney walks shamefully back to her vehicle from inside a Home Depot where she lightheartedly confronts husband Alex.
“I go in there and obviously, I’m assuming that it’s by the freaking breaker fluid. So finally, I ask someone and they burst out laughing,” she says.
So just in case there’s still any confusion, CapitalOne Auto Navigator explains it clearly: “Your car’s turn signals don’t use, or need, any fluid… It’s a playful reference to how many car parts need to have their fluids checked and topped up regularly.”
Vehicle turn signals don’t use any type of fluid, the vehicle information resource outlet explains. Luckily, since turn signals are only electrical, a fix is usually as simple as a lightbulb replacement.

The joke has proliferated so far into car lore that many gag gift companies now sell containers of “blinker fluid” to trick your friends with. Amazon’s top-selling blinker fluid gag gift is an empty 8-ounce bottle that promises to be “good for up to 6,000 blinks!”
Videos of reverse-blinker fluid pranks are also popular on TikTok, including one of a woman returning to a car full of men and getting the last laugh when she reveals, “I found it!”
Also on Reddit, one user recently asked: “What’s your industry’s version of ‘Bring me blinker fluid?” A few popular responses include a retail worker: “This isn’t going to all fit. Go get the shelf stretcher,” and a former Starbucks barista: “When I worked at Starbucks we had a spout that produced hot, filtered water. We would occasionally tell newbies they had to drain all the hot water before closing.”
Which fluids do you have to change in your car?
As it turns out, there are only a few fluids that need regular refills or changes. AutoZone explains the seven most common car fluids you need to change.
- Motor oil
- Transmission fluid
- Brake fluid
- Engine coolant
- Power steering fluid
- Differential fluid
- Windshield washer fluid
The frequency and or ways you’ll need to change fluids in your car will depend on your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations and/or mechanic’s expertise.