DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) – If you find your mailbox empty on Monday, don’t be surprised.

On Monday, Nov. 11, the United States Postal Service will not be operating, as the USPS observes Veterans Day, a federal holiday. USPS carriers will not be on their routes, and caller service and P.O. Box service will also not be available.

The only service that will be available from USPS is Priority Mail Express, which is still delivered on Sundays and holidays.

All USPS services will return back to normal on Nov. 12.

Private shippers UPS, FedEx and DHL will be open for business on Veterans Day, but may have modified schedules at store locations and reduced service for some deliveries. Amazon will still be delivering packages Monday.

There are two more mail holidays left in the year. After Veterans Day, USPS will also close on Nov. 28 for Thanksgiving and Dec. 25 for Christmas Day.