
Norfolk’s acting superintendent sends letter on rodent infestation to Sherwood Forest Elem. parents

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — The Norfolk Public Schools district is taking steps to reassure parents a rodent infestation at Sherwood Forest Elementary is being addressed. 

A letter went home with students on Thursday detailing what’s being done to make sure the campus is safe, and the district appears to be stepping up its communication. 

Acting superintendent Dr. Sharon Byrdsong wrote up a letter that was sent home with students, copies are in the front office and it’s also posted on the school website. More testing is planned, and inspections will be done through the weekend. 

In a letter to parents, Byrdsong said pest control contractors will do a full interior inspection including areas that are above ceiling level.  

“I think that’s the least that needs to be done. I think that’s a good start. I’m happy with that,” said Krystal Law. 

Law’s daughter attends Sherwood Forest. Law is one of dozens of parents upset about the infestation. 

The infestation was reported back in September, but parents weren’t notified until last week. Parents also have concerns about mold.  

“I truly believe that some of the conditions in the school are contributing to her health issues, her trouble breathing, her respiratory symptoms,” Law said. 

The letter says air quality samples will be taken in every classroom and all common spaces within the school. This includes evaluating for airborne contaminants such as mold, mildew, and asbestos.  

The superintendent says contractors will also monitor bait boxes outside the school and potential entry points.  

Law said that area needs more attention. She took photos of the school’s exterior that show a broken window covered with tape and exposed pieces of siding.  

“What’s going to happen in December when it’s cold and the rodents and pests are really trying to find a warm habitat for the winter,” Law said. “I would like transparency. I would like to see the results from the pest control people doing their inspections in the building.” 

Dr. Byrdsong said the administration is committed to ensuring that Sherwood Forest Elementary School provides a safe and secure environment for students to learn in. 

Stay with WAVY News as we continue to follow any developments with this story.