
Corolla Wild Horse Fund welcomes new colt

CURRITUCK, N.C., (WAVY) — In a Facebook post, Corolla Wild Horse Fund announced the arrival of a new wild colt, Cyclone.

The colt was born on April 11 and is actually the fourth foal born this year. The other two foals haven’t been announced because they haven’t made their “public appearance” yet, according to the horse fund.

Cyclone’s father, Hurricane, died this past summer after he got tangled in wire and suffered a heat stroke. The staff says that it was a devastating loss but the colt reminds them that life truly does go on.

Staff at the Corolla Wild Horse Fund wants people to remember to stay at least 50 feet from the horses at all times. Horses are wild and unpredictable and can be very dangerous. It’s also critically important that mares and foals have space and peace to bond and grow.