BUXTON, N.C. (WAVY) — Cape Hatteras National Seashore is monitoring and enforcing the roughly half mile closure at and to the south of the Buxton Formerly Used Defense Site, they announced Saturday.
Visitors are advised to stay out of the closed area to avoid sometimes strong petroleum odors.

WAVY has been following these updates as the Buxton community urges a hastened effort to removed the remnants of an old navy base.
It was decommissioned in the 1980s, and is just one of 46 Formerly Used Defense Sites, or FUDS, that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are responsible for.
The map shows current beach closure associated with the petroleum contaminated former military site in Buxton. Barricades are in place at the entrance to each of the parking lots on the map.
In past interviews with the Corps, they said this is a uniquely challenging project because it is on an eroding shoreline.
Continue to check WAVY.com for updates.