KNIGHTDALE, N.C. (WNCN) — Law enforcement stopped traffic just east of Knightdale Tuesday afternoon after a safe was found on the side of a road, according to the Knightdale Police Department.
Just after noon, Wendell fire crews spotted the safe near Knightdale Boulevard and Marks Creek Road and called the Wake County Sheriff’s Office.
Fire crews said people were going after the money as it blew around, so they called the sheriff’s office to stop traffic to prevent people from stealing it.
The Wake County Sheriff’s Office later said there was “a significant amount of money that was in the safe and also blowing onto the road.”

Crews stopped traffic along the road for a brief time. It is not clear where the safe came from or how much money was in it.
By mid-afternoon the Wake County Sheriff’s Office had the safe in their possession and was trying to track down the owner.
The Wake County Sheriff’s Office is investigating.