
Spouse of Edenton-Chowan Schools employee tests positive for coronavirus

EDENTON, N.C. (WAVY) — The spouse of an employee of Edenton-Chowan Schools has tested positive for the coronavirus.

The person who tested positive is the spouse of an employee at D.F. Walker Elementary School in Edenton.

Employment law prevents the school division from identifying the employee.

The couple lives outside of Chowan County and the employee hasn’t been in the building since Monday, the division said.

“Upon receiving notification late this afternoon, we immediately contacted the Health Department, Emergency Management and the local hospital. We immediately shut down the campuses of D.F. Walker and White Oak Elementary Schools,” the division wrote in a news release.

All school campuses will be closed Friday and Monday out of “an abundance of caution.” Meal service will be suspended until March 24.

During this time, the schools will also continue to disinfect the buildings using CDC guidelines.

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