GREENSBORO, NC. (WGHP) — The boiler went down, and the heat went off on Tuesday night at North Carolina A&T State University.
The university has a temporary boiler in place and plans to have the heat back on Thursday night.
“This is something that is nonnegotiable. We have to do it,” Rep. Jon Hardister said.
He says he knew the boilers needed upgrades and those replacements are in the state’s capital infrastructure fund.
“The money is run through that 5-year period based on a scale of how important, how necessary these projects are. This is one that is clearly now very important and needs to be expedited,” Hardister said.
Students arrived back on campus for the semester on Tuesday.
“Obviously, it is not a great start to the year for these students,” Hardister said.
Students were encouraged to go home if they could, or they could request a room at a hotel.
500 students were shuttled out to area hotels to stay while they waited. FOX8 is still working to learn how much all of this will cost and where the money will come from for the short-term repairs and solutions.
The state legislature is already getting a jump on long-term plans.
“You have to have boilers. You can’t have cold classrooms, and you can’t have students that are cold and can’t sleep at night. This certainly has to be a priority,” Hardister said. “The General Assembly stands ready to help. We have the money there. It’s just a matter of getting it out quickly, and I am confident we can get that done.”
On Friday, students at North Carolina A&T State University will learn virtually. The university hopes to move students back to campus on Friday night.