Dalila L. Johnson is a candidate for the York County Board of Supervisors, District 2. Her name will appear on the ballot on November 7, 2023.

Johnson is running against Sheila S. Noll.

The first day of in-person early voting at your local registrar’s office for this election is Friday, Sept. 22, 2023. Click here to see who is on your ballot.

10 On Your Side reached out to all of the candidates running in this race with specific questions. The responses below came directly from the candidate and are unedited. If you do not see the candidate listed with a profile, we did not receive one.

Candidate Name: Dalila Johnson

Age: 53

Race: York County Board of Supervisors, District 2

Candidate Website: https://www.dalilaforyorkcounty.com/

Biography: I was born in Colombia and legally emigrated to the United States after high school
graduation. I enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served for 10 years, earning a bachelor’s
degree from Saint Leo College. I served during Desert Storm and Desert Shield.
While in the Navy my work included logistics, inventory, and accounting. I managed
budgets for several helicopter squadrons (Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance
Department) and maintained and inventoried support equipment worth over $62

After leaving the Navy, I worked as a bank loan processor and commercial and private
mortgage underwriter. During this period I earned an MBA from the University of

In 2006 I received a teaching license certificate from Old Dominion University and have
since taught in middle and high schools for the last 18 years.

I am passionate about being an active member of my community and am always looking
for ways to serve. I believe my deep knowledge and experience in accounting, budgets,
banking, and mortgages will prove invaluable in working with other Supervisors and
County officials.

I am the mother of two adult children, a son and daughter, and granddaughter. I am an
active member of St. Kateri Tekawitha Catholic Church in Yorktown.

Why are you running for this office?

Our current Board of Supervisors has been operating under the same leadership for over
30 years and the incumbent has been on the board for over Twenty-eight years. I will
bring a much-needed breath of fresh air and real solutions that can transform our
historic county into a model of ethical leadership and sustainable stewardship

What is the most important issue facing the county, and what is your position on it?

The lack of transparency and accountability by our Board of supervisors. I would like to
introduce and pass a Code of Ethics for the York County Board of Supervisors. I have
been advocating for one for over two years and believe our elected officials should be
held to the highest of standards.

What it the top challenge facing your district, and how would you address it?

Overbuilding is happening all over our county with no real oversight. Our County can
do both: increase its revenue and preserve our historic presence. We must be
responsible stewards of our resources. If we continue rezoning and using special
permits, we will have failed our children and grandchildren.

How do you feel about the politicization of public education?

As a veteran teacher, I am saddened to see the daily attacks to my profession. This year
alone The Virginia Education Association, to which I am a proud member, reported a
3,600 teacher shortage. This number does not include para-professionals and all the
other educators that help our children become successful adults. Teaching has always
been a partnership between parents and teachers. Politics has no place in our schools.
However, I remain undeterred and hopeful because at the end of the day our students
need us to be there fighting for them.

How do you plan to manage growth while also protecting the quality-of-life residents
bought into?

It is our responsibility to find innovative ways that keep our County growing while
protecting and preserving our quality of life. We should invest and work together
regionally to improve service at the Newport News Airport. The County should create
incubators that support and provide ready-made and affordable places for our local
small business startups to launch. There are many ways to meet the challenges of our
new generation but we must be transparent with our constituents.

What is your view on unlimited campaign contributions? Should that change?

I believe that there should be limited campaign contributions and complete
transparency on the source of all funds.

How will you still value constituents and politicians with whom you disagree?

Serving the community is about consensus and compromise for the greater good, while
maintaining committed to my values and morals