Kevin H. Adams is a Republican candidate for Virginia Senate, District 22. His name will appear on the ballot on November 7, 2023.

Adams is running against Aaron Rouse.

The first day of in-person early voting at your local registrar’s office for this election is Friday, Sept. 22, 2023. Click here to see who is on your ballot.

10 On Your Side reached out to all of the candidates running in this race with specific questions. The responses below came directly from the candidate and are unedited. If you do not see the candidate listed with a profile, we did not receive one.

Name: Kevin H. Adams

Age: 62

Race: Virginia Senate, District 22

Party: Republican


Biography: Kevin Adams is the republican candidate for the 22nd Senate District of Virginia.  He is a 24 year resident of Virginia Beach. After serving in the US Navy for 26 years, Kevin started a small contracting business, to include light commercial and residential construction, renovation, and repair. He has completed projects throughout Hampton Roads and the peninsula. 

Upon retirement from the US Navy in 2005 Kevin began working as a sight supervisor for new home construction. In 2007, he started Adams Family HandyMan Service in Virginia Beach, which grew into a family business as Kevin and his Wife Sheila raised their nine children, who worked with Kevin’s handyman business throughout the years.  

Kevin served on active duty for 26 years rising from the ranks of junior enlisted to Lieutenant Commander, which is a field grade Commissioned Officer. His decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal.

Kevin volunteered to mentor fathers at the Crisis pregnancy Center of Virginia Beach. He also mentored faith based leadership courses at Gethsemane Community Fellowship Baptist Church in Norfolk.

Kevin and his wife Sheila are the proud parents of nine children ranging in age from 19-35 years old, all home schooled. 

Beyond his faith and family, Kevin’s two greatest passions are fishing and people. You can often find him fishing Virginia Beach’s small lakes, while enjoying great conversation and interaction in meeting people from all walks of life, both personally and professionally.

Why are you running for this office?

In addition to meeting the requirements of the State of Virginia to serve in the Senate, my experience serving in the US Navy for 26 years, raising a family with nine children, (6 boys and 3 girls) and operating a small business throughout Hampton Roads has given me a keen understanding of what service to others means. Leadership matters, and I am deeply concerned about the availability of the American Dream to the citizens of my district and beyond. I am humbled by the opportunities afforded to me throughout my life and want to ensure that all Virginians have access to the American Dream. I know what hard work is, and I am willing to work hard for my constituents. Whether in the church, community centers, and parenting classes, my service to others is a matter of record and more than qualifies me to serve in the General Assembly.

What is the most important issue facing Virginia, and what is your position on it?

My three main legislative priorities are:

  • The Economy: I will improve the economy by cutting taxes, lowering inflation, and increasing good paying jobs. Virginia has a tax surplus of $5.1 billion for fiscal year 2023. We have been overtaxed and I want to return your hard earned money to you…plain and simple.
  • Education: I will work to improve the quality and safety within our public schools, while advancing parental rights and career gateways through apprenticeships, internships, and workforce outreach programs.
  • Public Safety: I will increase safety with our communities by fully supporting our law enforcement and other first responder professionals. I also want harsher penalties for violent offenders and drug dealers. Prescription and counterfeit pills such as fentanyl are ravaging our communities. Our emergency rooms are overflowing with overdose patients. We have to address this head on.

In addition to the three items mentioned above, I will vigorously pursue veteran benefits. Too many veterans are moving to states with more favorable veteran tax benefits. We have to level this playing field and as a US Navy veteran I will make it a priority to retain our veterans in the Commonwealth of Virginia

What is the top challenge facing your district, and how would you address it?

My constituents have made it clear that crime is the most important issue facing the 22nd district. They are concerned about their safety. The economy is a close second. As a contractor, I work in the households of government subsidized citizens as well as the homes of millionaires, and their chief complaints are high taxes and crime and the need to bring more businesses to Virginia. We must bring business and industry to support the tax base and provide opportunities through good paying jobs to develop a vibrant workforce while providing safety and security throughout the district. I will address this by ensuring that our local and state law enforcement agencies are fully manned, equipped, and funded to keep us safe. I will further address the economy by bringing more businesses to the district, while keeping the cost of doing business as low as is reasonable.

What is your view on Governor Glen Youngkin’s proposal for a 15-week abortion ban with restrictions?

I support the availability of birth control and legal abortion access through the first 15 weeks of pregnancy, which is when a baby begins to feel pain. Legal abortion could occur after 15 weeks due to exceptions of the rape, incest, and risk to life of the mother. I am universally concerned for a woman’s physical, mental, and spiritual health before, during, and after pregnancy. This point of view reflects common sense, compassion, and the consensus of the people of this district. My wife and I have voluntarily facilitated parenting courses, mentoring mothers and fathers at crisis pregnancy centers.

How do you feel about the politicization of public education?

Quality education is the responsibility of both faculty and parents. The education system must partner with parents to achieve academic excellence through intentional collaboration. The end goal is to achieve pathways to job skills, institutions of higher learning (college) or military service. Our immediate goal is to institute programs to bring students to grade level performance in reading, math, and science. By eighth grade, students should be professionally counseled along with parents to narrow down the pathway for the student post high school. This will make our students competitive and reduce the politicization of public education. I will further support public education by ensuring that students and staff are safe. This includes funding and filling resource officer positions for every school and developing and rehearsing a vibrant school safety plan optimizing the latest technology. I would also like to incentivize and empower parent/teacher collaboration to develop curriculum and resources toward three post high school pathways: college, trade skills, and military service. Most small business owners that I know, especially in the trades, started out working for other small businesses before acquiring an existing business, or creating one.

What legislation would you plan to sponsor in your first year?

The Veterans Promise Act will be my first priority. This legislation is geared towards keeping our veterans in the Commonwealth by providing streamline admissions for veterans to take advantage of our fine universities. 

I will also sponsor legislation to pursue all energy sources including wind, solar, and nuclear power. A safe and reliable power grid is essential to grow our economy and serve our citizens.

What is your view on unlimited campaign contributions? Should that change?

Unlimited campaign contributions allow ordinary citizens the chance to

participate in the political process. I personally benefited by having the

opportunity reach out for support as an ordinary working-class citizen

to serve my constituents.

How will you still value constituents with whom you disagree with?

I will actively involve all my constituents in the process of crafting legislation to better their quality of life. I have a vision of including as many people as possible from each precinct to identify source input and provide feedback. The more I can encourage our citizens to share their voices, the better the outcome. I will create and foster an atmosphere of inclusion.

In recent years, controversy has emerged over Virginia Beach state lawmakers pushing forward legislation against city wishes. What will your relationship be like with City of Virginia Beach leadership?

I intend to fully engage all members of the Virginia Beach City Council. All elected officials serve at the pleasure of their constituents. It is our responsibility to work together for the good of all. There will always be disagreement pertaining to policies. It is our job as public servants to resolve issues at the lowest level possible to achieve the best results for our constituents.