Laurel M. Garrelts is a candidate for York County School Board – District 3. Her name will appear on the ballot on November 7, 2023.

Garrelts is running against Kimberly Goodwin.

The first day of in-person early voting at your local registrar’s office for this election is Friday, Sept. 22, 2023. Click here to see who is on your ballot.

10 On Your Side reached out to all of the candidates running in this race. If you do not see the candidate listed with a profile, we did not receive one.

Name: Laurel M. Garrelts

Age: 48

Race: York County School Board – District 3


Biography: I was born in Virginia but raised in Ohio and grew up in a small town on a horse farm. I earned a degree in Business Administration from Kent State University and a Masters in Human Services from Liberty University. I moved to Virginia in 2004 with two young children and later married Mike, a retired Navy Senior Chief. We have lived in the beautiful Edgehill subdivision for the last 19 years. Alison is now a 5th grade teacher in the school division and Nathan is finishing up his apprenticeship with Newport News Shipyard. When I married Mike, I gained two more children to love. Michelle and AJ are both graduates of York County Schools as well. Michelle lives in North Carolina with our three beautiful granddaughters and AJ is an accomplished chef operating a food truck. I have spent the better part of my life serving in our schools to impact the educational experience for every kid in our community. Serving as a school board member was an extension of that work and I am grateful every day for the confidence placed in me to represent District 3. During my time on the board, I have built strong relationships with educators, parents, students, and community members, working together to address the challenges and opportunities our district faces. I am not a politician and I believe that politics have no place in our schools. Serving as a school board member requires the ability to put others before self and I understand that our school system should not be a platform for political agendas. I promise to remain focused on our shared goals, rising above divisive politics, and working collaboratively to create the best possible educational experience for our children.

Why are you running?

I am running for re-election to the York County School Board because I am passionate about making sure our kids have the best possible education and I still think I can be of service. Over the last couple of years, we have worked hard to increase parent and family involvement in our schools because we know it is a key indicator of student confidence and success. I am dedicated to fostering an educational environment where parents are valued partners in the education of their children. I want to continue to help make our schools the best in Virginia by focusing on supporting teachers, engaging families, prioritizing student achievement and encouraging innovation. I promise to do my very best to honor my commitment and what it means for our school division.

What is the most important issue facing the school system and what is your position on it?

Students across the nation are still experiencing learning gaps from the pandemic and while YCSD students performed way above the state average, we know that we have to focus on bridging those gaps and addressing chronic absenteeism. My position is that the learning loss didn’t happen overnight and will be something we address for years to come. We have to address absenteeism now because we can’t bridge the gaps unless students are in school. We must work with families to reinforce the importance of good attendance and develop strategies to keep students engaged.

How do you feel about the politicization of public education?

I think the politicization of public education hurts kids, hurts educators, and undermines the beauty of what public education was meant to be.

Will you still value constituents and or fellow politicians with whom you disagree?

Yes, I think it is important to listen to and work with all constituents even if we disagree. We aren’t elected to represent only those who align with our personal beliefs….it isn’t about us. We are elected to make quality decisions for all students. School board positions were meant to be non-partisan for this exact reason.