Michael Feggans is the Democratic candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates District 97. His name will appear on the ballot for the November 7, 2023 General Election.

He is running against incumbent Karen S. Greenhalgh.

The first day of in-person early voting at your local registrar’s office for this election is Friday, Sept. 22, 2023. Click here to see who is on your ballot.

10 On Your Side reached out to all of the candidates running in this race with specific questions. The responses below came directly from the candidate and are unedited. If you do not see the candidate listed with a profile, we did not receive one.

Candidate Name: Michael Feggans

Age: 40

Race: Virginia House of Delegates District 97.

Party: Democrat

Candidate Website: https://michaelfeggans.com/

Biography: I was raised for most of my in the West Kempsville portion of Virginia Beach. I am a proud product of the Virginia Beach Public School system and graduated from Tallwood High School and immediately enlisted in the U.S. Air Force at the age of 17 to pursue a career that would provide me with the opportunity to become an innovative leader. As an alumnus of VA Tech, Norfolk State, and UVA, I’ve always valued and understood the importance of education, both traditional and nontraditional. After 20 years of service in the Air Force, I knew that the best place to retire from the military and start my next phase as a tech entrepreneur was back home in Virginia Beach. With the creation of the new 97th House District, I’m stepping forward for my second service to continue serving the community I love and to fight for reproductive freedom, support public education, increase workforce development opportunities in renewable energy & cyber for our veteran population, and grow Virginia’s economy.

Why are you running for this office?

That experience of leading our nation’s best and brightest from a very young age and having the great opportunity to sit at the table to help develop budgets, complete missions, and tackle tough issues helped shape my views on what it means to be a leader. The skills that shaped my views on leadership, service, & commitment have prepared me for public service to Virginia Beach. I’m running to serve the residents in Virginia Beach because I believe in its bright future. We have complex challenges ahead and I look forward to serving the city that raised and nurtured me by embracing our diverse and growing population so that Virginia Beach will be seen as a leader in the Commonwealth.

After 20 years of service in the Air Force, I knew the best place to retire from the military and start my next chapter as a tech entrepreneur was back home in Virginia Beach. With the creation of the new 97th House District, I am stepping forward once again to continue serving the community I love. As a delegate, I will fight to protect reproductive freedom, support public education, help other veterans transition into high-tech career fields, and support common-sense gun safety solutions.

What is the most important issue facing Virginia, and what is your position on it?

The most important issue facing Virginia is access to reproductive healthcare and access to abortion. I support the current law in Virginia and the statutes created under Roe v. Wade. Virginians have been clear about where we stand: politicians shouldn’t come between a woman and her medical provider. In Richmond, I will back legislation codifying existing abortion laws and protections into our State Constitution.

What is the top challenge facing your district, and how would you address it?

Our public school system has operated without the resources it needs for far too long. We must address this chronic underfunding of public education. Educators and support staff have been paid far below the national average and well below their worth, students are forced to use limited or outdated materials, and class sizes are often too large. As a proud graduate and supporter of Virginia Beach Public Schools, I will always do what is best for our students. In Richmond, I will ensure that not just teachers but all public school employees receive the proper pay so we can attract and retain the very best staff. With proper funding, our schools will have smaller class sizes so students can obtain higher-quality instruction. I will never stop fighting for our kids to get a world-class education.

What is your view on Governor Glen Youngkin’s proposal for a 15-week abortion ban with restrictions?

I support the current Virginia law and the statutes created under the Roe vs. Wade decision. Ultimately, Virginians have been clear about where we stand: politicians shouldn’t come between a woman and her doctor when it comes to reproductive healthcare decisions. Every patient deserves the right to make personal medical decisions without legislators in the room.

How do you feel about the politicization of public education?

As a proud graduate and supporter of Virginia Beach Public Schools, I will always do what is best for our students. Censoring difficult topics in our classrooms only leaves kids unprepared. We must teach our full history — even when it is uncomfortable. By fully funding our public schools and ensuring students have access to a broad range of coursework, we can provide our children with a world-class education that prepares them for the future.

Additionally, in Virginia Beach, parents are encouraged and are active in public schools through mentoring, PTA, boosters clubs, and other areas. I have seen this firsthand as a STEM mentor at various schools in the area. Parents always have and should continue to have a say in their children’s education. Parents should continue to be part of the conversation, and together with teachers, they make the best team to ensure the success of our children. We cannot continue to try to pit parents against teachers when we should be making sure that teachers have the resources they need to educate our students.

What legislation would you plan to sponsor in your first year?

First, the General Assembly must work to protect and defend reproductive freedom. I support the current law in Virginia and the status created under Roe v. Wade. Virginians have been clear about where we stand: politicians shouldn’t come between a woman and her medical provider. In Richmond, I will back legislation codifying existing abortion laws and protections into our State Constitution.

Second, I will support legislation to raise pay for educators and school support staff. After years of chronic underfunding, our public education system needs more resources to ensure our students get the best possible education. That begins with attracting the best and brightest staff with the pay they deserve. With adequate funding, our students will have smaller classes and the highest quality education.

My third main legislative goal is to address gun violence in our communities with comprehensive firearm reform. As a responsible gun owner, I understand the importance of enacting common-sense measures that respect gun owners’ rights while keeping firearms out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them. These reforms include passing safe storage laws that prevent minors from accessing firearms irresponsibly, supporting red flag laws, and closing background check loopholes.

What is your view on unlimited campaign contributions? Should that change?

I’m focused on campaign finance reform that gets dark money out of Virginia’s elections. Americans on both sides of the aisle overwhelmingly agree: they want to reduce the role of money in politics and eliminate dark money. Republicans like my opponent are against increased transparency in our Commonwealth’s elections. This year Republicans ensured this funding will continue to have a place in Virginia’s campaigns by killing legislation that would have removed it. In the General Assembly, I’ll support legislation that increases transparency and ensures dark money is removed from our Commonwealth’s elections.

How will you still value constituents with whom you disagree?

I will value constituents with whom I disagree by being open to their different opinions and listening to what they have to say. The beauty of a place like Virginia Beach is that we have so many people with different backgrounds, ideas, and paths than mine. On the campaign trail, I have made an effort to seek the opinions of voters to help craft my policies and platform. This will not stop once I am elected. I believe our communities are better when we can have respectful discussions about things we disagree about.

In recent years, controversy has emerged over Virginia Beach state lawmakers pushing forward legislation against city wishes. What will your relationship be like with City of Virginia Beach leadership?

I believe lawmakers need to work directly with Virginia Beach constitutional officers, the School Board, and the City Council. I already have a a great working relationship with many city leaders on issues such as veterans, offshore wind, STEM support in public schools. In addition, I have direct experience by serving on the cybersecurity working group. I will build on these relationships and experiences if elected.