Stephanie C. Bergeron is a candidate for the Edenton Town Council Ward 1. Her name will appear on the ballot on November 7, 2023.

She is running against Travis Gilliard and Bob Turner.

The first day of in-person early voting at your local registrar’s office for this election is Friday, Sept. 22, 2023. Click here to see who is on your ballot.

10 On Your Side reached out to all of the candidates running in this race with specific questions. The responses below came directly from the candidate and are unedited. If you do not see the candidate listed with a profile, we did not receive one.

Candidate Name: Stephanie Bergeron

Age: 52

Race: Edenton Town Council First Ward

Biography: My name is Stephanie Creighton Bergeron and I am running for the 1st Ward seat on the Edenton Town Council on November 7th, 2023. I was raised in Edenton, attended public school and graduated from John A Holmes High School in 1988. I attended UNC Chapel Hill where I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in art history in 1992. I then lived and worked as a paralegal in Raleigh, NC and Dallas, TX before I returned to Edenton in 1996. My husband, Andrew Bergeron, and I have lived in Edenton for the past 27 years. We are the parents of two adult children. As an Edenton native I feel fortunate to have been able to raise my children here and watch them experience all of the same simple pleasures that I did as a child. I have watched Edenton grow and thrive for almost 53 years and know the importance of supporting small local businesses and giving back to your community. I have worked hard to make Edenton better through my involvement with education, my church, and other volunteer organizations, such as the Hospital Foundation, The Boys & Girls Club, The Edenton Historical Commission and for the past 7 years as a board member of Chowan Arts Council. I have witnessed first hand the resilience of this community through challenging times such Hurricane Isabel, random acts of violence, and the covid pandemic to name a few. I would now like to give back to the community where I have spent my life. If elected, I will listen and learn from my constituents and give my heart and soul to making Edenton a better place for everyone. It is my desire to help Edenton grow and prosper so that this town that we all love so much offers opportunities for all citizens.

Why are you running for this office?

I have experienced the beauty and charm of this place we call home, the hard work of the small business owners that have grown and thrived, the perseverance of the non profit organizations and the endless hours of the Town officials and staff that keep Edenton running smoothly …. I know the importance of giving back, and I have witnessed first hand the love, support, and especially the resilience of the people of Edenton. It is a very special place and if I am elected to the Town Council, I believe that I can offer a fresh perspective, a teachable mind, and an open heart to help preserve Edenton for many generations to come.

What is the most important issue facing the community, and what is your position on it?

Gun violence and crime in Edenton is one of the top concerns for me as a potential candidate for Town Council. If elected to the Town Council, I would work closely with the Town Manager, Corey Gooden, and Chief King to encourage any and all efforts to reduce crime. One specific suggestion I have would be to develop a task force devised of town officials, members of the police department, and local citizens that would meet regularly and work towards a strategic plan to help deter violence and crime in any way possible.

What it the top challenge facing your constituents, and how would you address it?

I believe there are several challenging issues facing Edenton that need to be addressed, safety for our families and our neighborhoods, economic growth and tourism. If elected to the Town Council I will fight for safe neighborhoods for our families, protect and grow our current small businesses, build our economy to attract new businesses and good paying jobs, and support continued tourism which stimulates sustainability and preserves Edenton’s future!

How will you still value constituents and politicians with whom you disagree?

The Edenton Town Council is a non-partisan governing body that oversees the Town Manager and votes on issues pertaining to the Town and its citizens. Therefore, it is our responsibility to listen to all sides of the issues brought before the Town Council and govern together as a team to do what is best for the entire community of Edenton. This requires compromise on many occasions and in many cases it is impossible to please everyone. I plan to listen and learn from my constituents and respect their views all while doing what is best for Edenton. I do not intend to let politics cloud my vision for a safe and prosperous community for all.