Travis M. Gilliard, R.Ph. is a candidate for the Edenton Town Council Ward 1. His name will appear on the ballot on November 7, 2023.

He is running against Stephanie C. Bergeron and Bob Turner.

The first day of in-person early voting at your local registrar’s office for this election is Friday, Sept. 22, 2023. Click here to see who is on your ballot.

10 On Your Side reached out to all of the candidates running in this race with specific questions. The responses below came directly from the candidate and are unedited. If you do not see the candidate listed with a profile, we did not receive one.

Candidate Name: Travis M. Gilliard, R.Ph.

Age: 60

Race: Edenton Town Council Ward 1

Biography: I am a proud Army brat and am originally from Charleston, South Carolina (James Island). I am the youngest of 5 children of a US Army veteran who had served proudly for 30 years and attained the rank of Command Sergeant Major. My family ‘settled’ in the Fort Bragg (Liberty)/Fayetteville area where i graduated from Fayetteville Technical Community College followed by a move to Charleston where in graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina’s School of Pharmacy in 1988. I relocated to Edenton in 1990 and adopted it as HOME. I am married to the Hon. Lynn Chesson Gilliard, who is the current Chowan County Register of Deeds and we have 4 children and 4 grandchildren . I am a registered Pharmacist by trade and have worked in community and hospital pharmacy for the past 35 years. I am also a Governor Appointee (Cooper) to the College of the Albemarle’s Board of Trustees , where i have served in that capacity for the past 4 years and have been recently reappointed to same. In the past i have also served on the local Boy & Girls Club on the executive committee.

Why are you running for this office?

I have lived in this community for 35 years and have been an active participant in the community via various methods ( healthcare, COVID mass vaccinations (EAHEC),recreation-volunteer coaching with ECRD >22 years )….therefore I am fully VESTED in this community and am eager to be a part of efforts that will see it move forward and improve and make moves to better the lives of, not only WARD 1, but for all Edentonians. And what better way to further serve my community than to run for this office to be their voice!

What is the most important issue facing the community, and what is your position on it?

Any issue facing this community is important to me….so let’s tackle gun violence…not just Edenton has seen an uptick in gun violence…we have an unsolved murder of a 9yo girl that is still unsolved…policing changes and assistance from state/federal agencies to provide training programs for law enforcement is a start, in class or after school programs for youth that address options to violence can also be useful…in reality, there is no magic answer/act that will halt gun violence, but education and victim counseling services should be in the mix of solutions.

What it the top challenge facing your constituents, and how would you address it?

We can agree to disagree(mutual respect)..first realize that there are pros and cons to any issue/ordinance that may present itself. LISTEN…ask constituents for their opinions, listen to other politicians and realize that MY opinion is not ALWAYS right, after all, i am not running to serve MY personal interest, but to be the voice of the constituents that would best serve this community and keep it moving forward.