
Candidate Profile: Alissa Baldwin (VA Senate)

Alissa Baldwin lost the June 2020 primary election to Daniel Gade. Gade will be named on the Nov. 3, 2020 ballot as the Republican candidate for Virginia’s U.S. Senate seat. Click here to learn more about Gade.

Candidate Name: Alissa Baldwin

Race: U.S. Senate

Party: Republican

Website: alissabaldwin.com

Biography: A native Virginian, Alissa Baldwin was born in Prince William County and raised in Lunenburg County, and spent time in central Virginia during her university and early professional career years. 

Baldwin was “raised right” with conservative values, a strong work ethic, and a family commitment to service above self. Baldwin has a history of servant leadership in her family, church, community, and professional circles. Baldwin is the oldest of four girls, a first generation college student, educator, and volunteer.  

Alissa graduated from Central Senior High School in Lunenburg County and went on to attend the University of Richmond. There, she double majored in leadership studies and political science, while earning a minor in women’s studies May 2000. 

Alissa initially worked as a paralegal and law firm administrator in civil litigation defense before answering the call to serve on the front lines of our public education system. To that end, Alissa completed Virginia’s career switcher licensure program and is endorsed in history and social studies for grades 6-12. She earned a Master’s in educational leadership and holds an endorsement in school administration for grades PreK-12. 

Alissa has taught high school, post-secondary education, and currently teaches middle school civics and economics. Alissa is a lifelong learner and passionate about education reform to include parental rights and school choice because every child deserves the best education possible.

Alissa has a proven track record of meeting the needs of others as a volunteer EMT for nearly a decade (while working two full-time jobs no less), planning youth retreats, leading a Girl Scout troop, organizing community events, serving on several board of directors for various nonprofit organizations, and facilitating mission objectives for assorted civic and professional organizations.  Alissa Baldwin is an American patriot ready to serve as a citizen legislator on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE. 

Why should Virginians elect you to the U.S. Senate?

For years, I have grown increasingly frustrated as career politicians continue to grow their own wealth and power as they allow big government to grow also. With the more aggressive push to radicalize abortion, trample on constitutional rights to bear arms and have freedom of assembly, religion, and speech, WE THE PEOPLE are not being represented by the likes of Mark Warner. 

I am a trusted community leader, knowledgeable, compassionate, a good listener, and a woman of my word. As someone who champions our Constitution and its principles, I know we need a citizen legislator to be our voice and then return to the private sector after no more than two terms in Washington D.C. 

Virginians should vote for me because I have the knowledge and skill set to build teams around common purposes, wherein we can legislatively address helping real people with real problems and disrupt politics as usual.

What is the most important legislative issue facing Virginia, and what is your position on it?

Government overreach is the most important legislative issue facing Virginia, and it is my intention to advocate for a return to the boundaries set forth in the U.S. Constitution. For too long, the government has taken too much money from our paychecks to fund far more than what is laid out as the fundamental purposes of government. Even worse, they have infringed on freedoms when the government role is designed to protect our rights in this constitutional republic. I’m living my teaching and intend to make sure federal legislation aligns with our constitutional principles and benefits Virginians, not special interest groups or career politicians.

What is the top challenge facing Virginians, and how would you address it if elected?

Virginians face many challenges, and current among the top is education, particularly in terms of infrastructure and school choice. Authority for education rightly belongs with parents first and teachers second as an extension or agent for parents. 

Because the federal government has taken ownership since the U.S. Department of Education was created, government officials have put forth countless legislation telling teachers how to do their jobs, and limiting parent choice and control over the education students receive in public schools. Our schools are crumbling, there is an inequity of resources, and federal regulations continue to restrict doing what is best for kids even as progressive curriculum is adopted. 

I intend to support legislation that reforms our education system to empower parent choice and support teachers as trusted professionals on the front lines of preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s future. 

In light of Virginia’s recent gun control debates, what, if any, gun laws would you support changing?

The Second Amendment is quite clear that Americans have every right to protect themselves, including against a tyrannical government. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens does not offer more protection. 

As a U.S. Senator from Virginia, I will introduce legislation to repeal gun free zones which make people soft targets in violation of their right to self defense. I also support constitutional carry and will seek reforms to existing federal legislation that infringes on our right to keep and bear arms. 

Gun control is not about saving lives, but controlling citizens. Criminals already do not follow the law and making it more challenging for law abiding citizens to protect themselves is of serious concern to me.

What are the top three issues created by the coronavirus pandemic in Virginia, and how would you plan to address them?

The coronavirus pandemic in Virginia and our government’s response have created the following top three issues: (1) economic downturn for selected establishment with the essential/non-essential businesses, (2) increased government surveillance of citizens with targeted enforcement, and (3) increased government spending in the short-term without a long-term plan for fiscal responsibility.  Using the referenced issue numbers (1), (2), and (3), here are my preliminary plans to address these important issues.

  1. Reopen all businesses immediately and give business owners the freedom to enact additional safety measures without being closed as many are facing permanent closure with the continued delays and the governor choosing winners and losers in his determination of “essential.” Ensure access to the federal money that has already been appropriated for businesses and citizens during this economic crisis and make sure funds are properly allocated. Incentivize a return to work and not government dependence.
  2. Once upon a time, we held up the Fourth Amendment standard and refused government intrusion into our lives with unreasonable search and seizure and violations of privacy. Now we practically invite them in with technology advancements like in-home artificial intelligence systems and government “trackers” to determine public safety risks. The Carpenter Supreme Court decision rejects the idea that we voluntarily surrender our privacy by owning a digital device or traveling in public spaces. The Fourth Amendment makes the government’s obligation quite clear, even in modern times and even when public safety is of concern: get a warrant.
  3. Focus on infrastructure and do what’s needed without inflating government spending. Push pause and make sure money that has been appropriated is allocated before launching any additional government spending.

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