
Polling in Biden-Trump race; Biden up 5% among Virginia voters


(NEXSTAR) – It’s hard to blame Democratic voters for being skeptical about polling leading up to this November 3rd Presidential election between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump. The state-level polls missed erosion in Democratic support across the supposed “blue wall” of safety in Michigan and Wisconsin in 2016, handing Trump a surprising win.

Polling methodology has changed (and theoretically improved) from four years ago, but that hasn’t removed the uncertainty about how well the final polling this year will match results, particularly in a climate of increased mail-in voting and turnout uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Joe Biden has retained a relatively stable national polling lead for months, but several dynamics are at play that could swing polling. Here’s a brief summary:

President Trump is expected to nominate his SCOTUS pick this Saturday, setting off the formal confirmation fight and injecting a new plotline that could significantly sway the polls and perhaps even the election.