RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A committee in Virginia’s legislature has halted legislation that would create exceptions for people who don’t want to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

The Roanoke Times reported Tuesday that the proposal was defeated in the House of Delegates’ Democratically controlled Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee.

Proposals from Republican Delegates Mark Cole and David LaRock would have created exceptions. The measure included exceptions for religious reasons as well as for people who don’t want to receive a mandated vaccine during a public health emergency.

One proposal also would have prevented the state health commissioner from requiring people to take vaccines during a public health epidemic.

Dr. Norman Oliver, Virginia’s health commissioner, caused a recent stir when he told WRIC that he would mandate COVID-19 vaccinations. Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam’s office said afterward that he did not plan for the state government to mandate vaccinations.

A federally approved vaccine currently does not exist. But researchers have been working to develop one.

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