PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — This week, intense heat proved to be more than a description of our July weather.

It continues to be a metaphor of sorts, for many of our discussions and our passions.

Through it all, we saw pockets of relief that come when you light the way.

We witnessed a summer bake this week as nature set her oven on broil. Most found ways to cope, but 31 people in Virginia Beach lost their homes when heat crossed the line.

Something boiled over in Hampton just before a bullet robbed 17 year old of his right to life.

Meanwhile, we met a mother in York County who is fighting to keep an eternal flame burning in memory of her son.

And a Virginia Beach widow felt the burn of pushups to push back against suicide that took the life of her U.S. Navy husband.

But this season of heat will eventually turn, for it is written, there is a time for every purpose.

When a crisp breeze can cool our emotions while leaving enough inspiration for reason to light the way.

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