ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WDVM) — A court decision was released declaring that Maryland’s congressional map is unconstitutional.

“The 2021 Congressional Plan is unconstitutional, and subverts that will of those governed,” the statement issued by Senior Judge Lynne A. Battaglia said.

Arguments about the map were heard in an Anne Arundel County court in February. Those who were against the district lines said that the Maryland General Assembly had made “a very partisan map.”

Governor Larry Hogan said in a statement, ” For nearly eight years, we have been fighting to end the gerrymandering monopoly that has for too long been a shameful legacy of our state. This ruling is a monumental victory for every Marylander who cares about protecting our democracy, bringing fairness to our elections, and putting the people back in charge. It puts in plain view the partisan, secretive, and rigged process that led to the legislature’s illegal and unconstitutional maps.”

This is a developing story and will be updated.