Virginia Beach, Va. (WAVY) — From concerts to beach days, there can be a lot of exciting freedoms for teenage drivers. With that freedom, the American Automobile Association (AAA) says it also comes with added responsibility.

AAA spokeswoman Holly Dalby tells 10 On Your Side that from 2012 to 2021, there were 141 people killed in crashes that involved teenagers.

She says a lot of these crashes are avoidable. Many are caused by simple mistakes like phone use while driving, driving with distracting passengers and inexperience.

Dalby was shocked to learn one of the leading causes in teen driving deaths is something as simple as buckling up.

“Speeding and not wearing a seatbelt. That one is so shocking, I think,” explained Dalby. “Because as you go through Drivers-Ed (it’s) ‘Seat belt, seat belt, seat belt.’ You don’t go anywhere, you don’t put the car in drive, without your seat belt.”

There are ways, like wearing your seat belt, that you can keep your teen and other drivers safe this summer season. AAA recommends teens do the following:

  1. Study defensive driving techniques
  2. Remain focused
  3. Keep a steady pace
  4. Increase visibility/know your blind spots
  5. Buckle up
  6. Follow local passenger laws

For teen drivers in Virginia and North Carolina, you can find your local driving laws here.

Teen Driving Restrictions | Virginia
Teen Driving Restrictions | North Carolina

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